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The Happily Ever After Mating Agency Presents Snövarg Island (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) Page 10

  “Is that so?” Eric replied coyly, a smile spreading over his face. “Then how do you explain these?”

  Tyler watched as Eric reached into his pocket and pulled out three matching silver rings. They were simple bands at first glance but as Tyler leaned in he could see that they were made up of intricate Celtic knots with a small, but detailed, wolf’s head in the centre. On the inside there were some runes etched onto the metal.

  “Wow,” Tyler said, looking up to meet Eric’s eyes. Finn was seemingly speechless for once. He just stared at Eric like he was seeing him for the first time.

  “The wolf inside is Fenrir, the old Norse god our people used to believe created us,” Eric explained. He held the three bands in his large hand and picked one of them up before handing it to Finn. “They were part of a set of thirteen made a long time ago for a secret order of wolf shifters. We only have three of them. It’s not known what happened to the rest but I thought that as there were three of them, it could be considered a sign that we should have them.”

  Finn took the ring that was being offered to him carefully, almost reverently. They were seemingly very old, and very precious to the Snövarg wolves. Tyler was both incredibly touched and extremely apprehensive about having one. Still, when Eric held his hand out to him, Tyler took the silver band and slid it onto his finger. It was too big for his ring finger so he tried it on several of them until he found one it fit on. He supposed it didn’t really matter what finger it went on. The exchanging of wedding rings was a purely human custom.

  “Thank you,” he said as he looked down at it where it rested on his middle finger.

  “I know it’s not common for shifters to wear wedding rings but I thought it would be nice for us all to have these,” he said. The big man looked incredibly uncomfortable. Tyler found it very endearing and he couldn’t stop himself from leaning forward and kissing him quickly.

  When they parted they both looked to Finn, who still hadn’t said a word.

  “Finn?” Eric asked. He reached out and took the ring from the palm of Finn’s hand where he was still staring at it. Eric held Finn’s hand and slid it onto his forefinger before kissing the man’s fingers. “How was that for romance?”

  Finn grinned at him and when he spoke he sounded a little choked up. “It was pretty good,” he admitted as he leaned in for a kiss of his own.

  It should have been a purely beautiful and joyous moment for Tyler but there was an uneasy pit in his stomach. As much as they were trying to make him feel a part of their love, he had still only known them for a day. They didn’t love him, not yet anyway. He wanted to get to a place where he knew what they were thinking just by looking at them, like they did with each other. He wanted to wake up sandwiched between them twenty years from now. In just under two weeks he was going to bind himself to them for the rest of his life. He wanted to stand there, under the rising moon, reciting the mating vows and later receiving the mating bites, knowing that they loved him. Right now he was someone they liked, and the three of them had just gotten engaged. He watched his two wolves kiss with such practice and ease that he felt his heart clench. He was already falling in love with them, so maybe it wasn’t beyond the realm of possibility that they could fall in love with him, too. He took a sip of his champagne and vowed that whatever it took he was going to make them love him by the time their mating came around. He knew that in order to do that he had to let them know the real him completely. He couldn’t hide parts of himself from them. He had to be stripped down and completely open for them to truly see him.

  He stood up, drawing both of their attention, and began taking off his clothes. Straight away the scent in the air changed as the two men watched him disrobe. He smiled at them both as he stripped right down, leaving only his new ring in place.

  “I want to shift for you,” he told them. “I want you to see exactly what it is that you’ll be mating with.”

  Eric’s eyes softened at Tyler’s words while Finn got up on his knees excitedly.

  “Okay,” Finn told him. “But if you’re adorable I’m going to want to pet you.”

  Tyler nodded once and took a steadying breath. “Oh,” he said as he remembered he still had his ring on. He went to take it off but Eric’s hand shot out and stopped him.

  “The ring will change with you,” Eric assured him. “At least the history books claim it will, and if not then it’ll just fall off you anyway.”

  “Right,” Tyler said before dropping to all fours. He closed his eyes and let the shift roll over him. It was something he had been doing since he was born. It was as easy as breathing for Tyler. It was similar to a reflex, like blinking or swallowing.

  When he opened his eyes again he was in bunny form. He was bigger than an average rabbit, but not freakishly so. He might find himself in a world record book if he were ever captured and photographed by humans, but otherwise he was the size of a medium-sized dog. He was a Flemish Giant rabbit covered in soft, pale gray fur that was very nearly white. He had two large ears that stood up on the top of his head and the same amber brown eyes that he had as a human.

  Twitching his nose to get a heightened sniff of the two wolves, Tyler stretched up toward them. Finn made a sound that was something akin to a pained squeak, making Tyler’s ears flick around for a second.

  “Oh my god, I want to pick you up and hug you and squeeze you so bad,” Finn said before leaning over and biting Eric’s shoulder in an effort to stop himself. Tyler just snorted at him and hopped a little closer.

  Eric chuckled and held his hand out for Tyler to sniff. The alpha wolf smelled like earth and musk with a hint of clean, fresh fallen snow. With a fond smile on his face, Eric moved his hand around to the back of Tyler’s neck to give the fur there a scratch. Tyler closed his eyes and leaned into the touch.

  “You’re the cutest thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen Inga rolling around playing with a teddy bear in her wolf form,” Finn said, making Eric chuckle. It was nice to see the usually serious alpha so relaxed and laid back. Tyler could count on one hand the number of times he had so much as seen Eric smile, let alone laugh. Soon Finn’s hand joined Eric’s and the two men stroked and scratched Tyler until he started to wonder what they themselves looked like in their animal forms. He gave Eric’s hand a gentle nip and playfully hopped up onto his hind legs while his front ones rested on Eric’s strong chest. He twitched his nose at the man before leaping off of him and darting off the deck. He turned to them expectantly but they were both just watching him with twin amused expressions.

  “Where are you going?” Eric asked. Huffing, Tyler cocked his head and looked at them expectantly, hoping they would get it. He really didn’t want to have to change back just to tell them to shift. Shifting back and forth too much in a short space of time could really mess up your equilibrium. He hopped a little further away from them and heard them both stand up. Looking back at them over his shoulder, he huffed again.

  “Do you want us to run with you?” Finn asked.

  Relieved, Tyler nodded his head as best he could and hopped on the spot. They both seemed to be trying not to laugh at his behavior but Tyler didn’t care. He was glad he could make his mates smile, even if it was at his expense. He knew that wolf shifter packs ran together often but he doubted that a bunny shifter had ever run with them. He was pretty fast, considering his size, but he doubted he could outrun a wolf. Maybe he would win in a sprint but not in a marathon. He watched as both the men stripped off their clothes and sunk down to all fours, their bodies transforming easily and quickly. They both looked similar in their wolf forms, though Eric was a little bit bigger. They were both covered in snow-white fur but Eric had a few darker patches on his chest and legs. What was truly unusual about Eric was his eyes. He had never seen a white wolf with green eyes before.

  Hopping closer to them excitedly, Tyler sniffed at them both, their scents much stronger in their wolf forms. Finn yipped at him and came over, his tail wagging, as he snuffled all along Tyler�
�s back. The bunny hopped away from the cold, wet nose and bumped his head into the side of Finn’s neck. With a playful snarl, Finn bolted and ran toward the woods near the house. Eric watched Finn go before looking back to Tyler, seemingly waiting for the bunny to follow. Feeling free and full of joy, Tyler quickly chased after Finn with Eric close behind. The three of them spent a good hour playing in the woods. Tyler watched as Finn and Eric wrestled around for a while, then he resigned himself to the fact that there was no way of stopping them both from giving him a good tongue bath. They also rubbed their snouts and heads over every last part of him, making sure that he had their scents clinging to him. He would never admit how much he loved the attention.

  * * * *

  They had been running and playing in the woods for almost an hour by the time they made their way back to the deck. Eric loved to run in his wolf form. There were few things in life that could ever truly compare to it. They had rolled around together, play-fighting and chasing each other. When he saw Tyler yawn, which for Tyler’s sake he would never comment on how cute it was, he knew it was time to head back to the deck.

  Once back on the wooden deck, Eric let the change go over him. He shuddered as his body transformed and stood upright, stretching as he did. He glanced behind him and saw that Tyler and Finn were following suit. They both still had their rings on, which Eric was pleased to see had stayed in place after all. It had been something he had thought about last night while he laid there listening to the two men’s heartbeats as he tried to sleep. He remembered his father telling him about the history of the Fenrir sect and showing him the rings that Eric’s grandmother had collected, being something of a history buff as she was.

  It saddened Eric that such a font of knowledge was gone know. He wished he had learned more from both his grandmother and his father while they were still alive. He had assumed he had all the time in the world with them both.

  He remembered his father telling him about how his mother before him had spent years trying to collect the rings, but that she had died before she could complete her collection. Eric didn’t know what those rings had meant to the Fenrir sect, but to him they symbolized family, pack. Tyler was a part of their pack now, their family.

  Rather than get dressed right away, Eric gave in to the sudden urge he had to wrap Tyler up in his arms and kiss him.

  The bunny shifter looked shocked as Eric put his arms around him and pulled him in against his chest.

  “Thank you for choosing us,” Eric whispered before bringing his mouth down to brush over Tyler’s. “I’m really happy that you’re here.”

  He kissed Tyler slowly, teasing the bunny’s lips with his own. He kept it light and soft as his hands drew meaningless patterns on his naked back. Tyler mewled softly in his throat and pushed himself harder against Eric’s body in a demand for more.

  “Well, we are already naked, so it seems like a waste not to take advantage of the fact,” Finn said as he easily strolled over to them and kissed Eric’s shoulder blade.

  Breaking his kiss with Eric, Tyler smiled over at Finn. “I can’t believe how different my life is now.”

  “Good different though, right?” Finn asked before standing beside them both and running his hand down Tyler’s bare arm. “I mean, this life has way more orgasms.”

  Tyler smirked before leaning up and kissing Finn on the mouth. “Oh no, it has the same amount of orgasms, it’s just that less of them now come from my own hand.

  Noticing the goose bumps that had come up on Tyler’s arms, Eric took his hand and led him over to the fire pit. The large fleecy blanket was right beside it, spread out over the deck. Eric sat down and gently pulled Tyler down with him. He made sure that Tyler was closest to the fire. As wolf shifters he and Finn didn’t feel the cold nearly as much as Tyler.

  “We can go back in if you’re still too cold,” Eric told Tyler as he rubbed his hand over his arm in an attempt to warm him up. Finn came to sit with them, the flickering firelight dancing over his firm chest.

  Tyler rose up on to his knees. His naked body was smooth and beautiful, and Eric unashamedly let his eyes drink in their fill. Eric wanted to spend the evening licking every last inch of him, making him squirm under his wet tongue. Tyler’s cock was showing signs of interest as his eyes took in both Eric’s and Finn’s bodies.

  “I don’t wanna go back inside,” Tyler assured them, his voice dropping to a seductive tone. He crawled over so that he was straddling Eric’s lap, inadvertently brushing their cocks against each other as he wound his arms around Eric’s neck.

  “Then what do you want?” Finn asked. Eric could tell that he was affected by Tyler’s little show. His voice was breathy and thick as he scooted closer so that he could trail a few kisses down over Tyler’s shoulders.

  “I want you to fuck me,” Tyler said, his shy innocence now long gone. “Both of you,” he said as he turned his head to meet Finn’s surprised but happy gaze.

  “God,” Finn groaned. “Believe me, we want that, too, but we didn’t remember to buy condoms today.”

  Eric felt Tyler’s suggestion go straight down to his dick. Having the smaller man on his lap and in his arms was too big a temptation. He wanted nothing more than to fuck the bunny shifter right how they were now and then lie back and watch Finn do the same. He dug his fingertips into the flesh of Tyler’s ass and just barely resisted the urge to growl in frustration.

  “My pants pocket,” Tyler said with a smirk. “Elsa gave me some.”

  Finn started to choke on seemingly nothing at Tyler’s words. Eric himself was more than a little surprised.

  “I’m sorry. My grandma gave you condoms?” Finn asked in disbelief.

  Tyler shrugged, his smile firmly fixed like he found the whole thing funny more than mortifying. “Yeah. As I was leaving actually. She said that it probably wasn’t a good idea for me to get knocked up before the mating…I’m paraphrasing.”

  “Oh god,” Finn groaned. “That woman has no boundaries.”

  “Shut up and get the condoms.” Eric growled, making Finn turn to him in surprise.

  “Yes, alpha,” he said sarcastically, clearly amused by how affected Eric was at the thought of getting to fuck their mate-to-be. Finn grabbed the condoms from the pocket of the discarded pants. There were four in there.

  “I love my grandma,” Finn said as he brought them back over.

  Tyler smirked at him and tried to slide off Eric’s lap only for the alpha’s arms to lock around him, holding him in place.

  “Uh, Eric?” Tyler asked. He looked a little unsure as he tried to wiggle free. “I’m going to need to move to get this on you.”

  Eric seemed to break out of his daze as his eyes zeroed in on the condom that Finn had pressed into Tyler’s hand.

  “Sorry,” Eric said with a sheepish look on his face. He let Tyler go and took several deep breaths as he leaned back on his hands.

  “How about I get Eric ready while you get me ready?” Tyler suggested to Finn as he got back down on all fours and lowered his head over Eric’s crotch.

  Finn grinned at him. “Efficient. I like it.”

  Eric had the best view in the world as Tyler took his cock into his mouth and began sucking him. There was no teasing. This was all about getting him nice and hard so that he could fuck him.

  Finn was behind Tyler, sucking on his fingers, making them nice and wet with his own saliva, before using them to open Tyler up.

  Tyler had his eyes closed, a look of pure bliss on his face as he sucked Eric’s cock. His cheeks were flushed and the rosy blush traveled all the way down his neck.

  Eric met Finn’s eyes over Tyler and they held onto each other. Finn was stroking himself slowly while he fingered Tyler open. Yes, Eric thought, he definitely had the best view in the world.

  Pulling off of Eric’s cock, Tyler moaned low in his throat and pushed back onto the fingers that were buried in his ass.

  “Oh god that’s good,” he said, praising Finn’s work. Finn grinn
ed and gently pulled his fingers free, swatting Tyler’s ass and making the young man moan again.

  “You’re ready,” Finn told him. He moved to the side and lay down beside Eric so that he would have a good view of the show. His long body was all smooth skin and muscle. He was gorgeous, especially with his hand wrapped around his own cock.

  While Tyler set about putting the condom on him, Eric reached out and stroked Finn’s check.

  “I love you,” he mouthed to him, making Finn grin and wink back at him. He and Finn had made love in pretty much every position imaginable, but everything was different with Tyler. He was shorter and more slender than Finn and so everything they did felt like something new. Tyler climbed back up onto Eric’s lap, wrapping one arm around his neck while reaching behind him to guide Eric’s cock into his ass. They held eye contact as Tyler slid down slowly, swallowing Eric’s dick inch by inch.

  “Oh my god,” Tyler moaned. “You’re really thick.”

  Eric couldn’t respond. He was too mesmerized by the sinfully aroused look on Tyler’s face. His full mouth was open and panting, his pink tongue flicking out to wet his lower lip. The fire reflected in his dark eyes as he rolled his hips, sinking down slowly until he was fully seated.

  “You look so good together,” Finn whispered from beside them. Eric stroked his hands down over Tyler’s back, his blunt fingers digging into Tyler’s ass and squeezing it. Slowly, way too slowly, Tyler started lifting himself up, using his grip around Eric’s neck, before sliding back down.

  Eric heard himself growl low in his throat at the teasing movements, his instinctual wolf side threatening to come out. Rather than be afraid of it, Tyler just smirked at him.

  “Hold on, big guy,” he said before leaning in and kissing him softly. “Just getting used to the size of you.”

  His words placated Eric and he felt chagrined that he had tried to hurry Tyler up. In lieu of an apology Eric brushed his nose against Tyler’s, making the young man smile.