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The Happily Ever After Mating Agency Presents Snövarg Island (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) Page 14

  His words seemed to snap her out of it, at least a little. She turned her head and looked at him, her dead mother’s hand gripped tightly in hers. After several long moments she slowly nodded her head in acknowledgment.

  Shakily, Milla dropped the hand, which fell to the ground, hitting it with a lifeless thud. She got to her feet, steeled herself, and walked over to Martin. “Take me home.”

  Time felt as though it had sped up as people moved in to cover the body and ask questions about what had happened. While Finn, Lisa, Tyler, and the girls all went back to their home, Eric went to tell the rest of the pack about what had happened, both that day and four years ago.


  In the end, Tyler got his wish of a quiet mating ceremony with just their family there. A week after Juliet Claesson’s failed murder attempt, the three of them stood on the deck overlooking the cliff where they had first exchanged their rings, and did the same again. The girls got to wear their pretty dresses again and Eric, Finn, and Tyler wore simple white shirts with white linen pants. It was the perfect way to start their lives together. Everyone on the island had been understanding of their wishes, in light of everything that had happened. The morning before their mating, Tyler had gotten a letter. He knew it was from his mom before he even opened it. She had told him how she wished he would be happy there and that she would like to be sent a photo from their mating ceremony. It was a start. No matter what, Tyler couldn’t bear the thought of having a relationship with his mom like the one Finn had with his.

  Looking down at the ring on his finger, Tyler smiled. Elsa had cooked up a storm, even though their mating reception consisted of just the seven of them. They had some high-tempo music on and Lisa and Finn were dancing together, busting out some Latin moves and pretending like they knew what they were doing. Inga watched them excitedly, clapping along.

  “Me next, Finn,” she demanded, holding her hands up to him. “Spin me next.”

  Tyler laughed as Finn grabbed her, scooping her up in his arms and dipping her low, making the little girl squeal.

  They had been celebrating for several hours and it was starting to get late. Tyler was reluctant to call it a night, though. Although he was certainly looking forward to being alone with his two mates, he loved seeing his new family like this, so happy and carefree. Lisa had conveniently arranged sleepovers for the girls and herself, and Elsa had mentioned rather loudly about how she thought she might stay at their old house for the night.

  They were in the kitchen, which might not seem like the most glamorous location for a mating party, but it was perfect as far as Tyler was concerned. He had everything, and everyone, he needed right there.

  Katja was beside him, attempting to fit in one more piece of cake, though it looked like she was struggling.

  “How much cake have you had?” Tyler asked with a frown. He wasn’t sure if wolf shifters got stomach aches but if they did then she was surely going to get one.

  “This is my third,” she told him with a grin. It was nice to see her so relaxed. They had sat down with her alone and told her everything they had learned about the night her father and grandfather died. They all cried that night but it was like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Now that she knew there was someone else to blame, Katja seemed to have let go of all the guilt that had been drowning her since that terrible night.

  “Well, I think it should be your last,” Tyler said after watching her for a minute.

  Katja smiled up at him. “Look at you, sounding like a parent.”

  He stuck his tongue out at her, making her roll her eyes. “Okay, and you’re back.”

  He laughed along with her and leaned in to kiss her cheek, smiling as she pretended to be grossed out and wipe it away.

  “I’ve been thinking about our prank,” she said out of the blue. Tyler had assumed that she had forgotten all about that, considering she hadn’t brought it up since everything went down. “I think that Kristen was just being mean to me because Mrs. Claesson was mean. Some of the kids in my class this week have been looking at her like it’s her fault, like she killed my papa and grandpa. I was thinking that I could go over to her house tomorrow and see if she wants to talk. Maybe if they see that I don’t blame her for what happened then they won’t be mean to her anymore.”

  Tyler swallowed hard and had to stop himself from grabbing her up and squeezing her hard. “I think that’s a great idea. And I think you’re just about the most awesome kid in the world. I’m very proud to be your pseudo-dad.”

  She frowned for a minute, no doubt pausing to work out what that word meant in Swedish. They were all so good at speaking English that sometimes he forgot it wasn’t their native language. When she realized what it was he was saying she smiled at him shyly.

  “Thanks, pseudo-dad,” she said, bumping him affectionately with her shoulder.

  Even though they were saying it in a jokey kind of way, it still made him feel warm inside to hear her say it. If his own kids turned out to be anything like Katja and Inga then he would be happy. He looked across the room and saw Eric watching them both, a soft smile on his face. Tyler knew that the alpha wolf had heard their entire conversation, even over the music. He held Tyler’s gaze and mouthed the words, “I love you.”

  Over the last week he had heard them both say it a lot, but it still made his chest clench and flutter every time.

  “Okay,” Lisa finally announced loudly. “I think it’s time we clear out, ladies.”

  Inga whined and pouted over the fact the she had to stop dancing but when Finn suggested they take the rest of the cake with them she soon perked up.

  Luckily for them Lisa and Elsa had the foresight to pack all their overnight bags before the ceremony so it didn’t take long before they were all out the door.

  “Ahh, alone at last.” Finn sighed with a playful grin. He reached over and turned the music off, plunging the house into a rare silence. Without the distraction of the kids and all the noise, Tyler let himself have a moment to let it all sink in. He was theirs and they were his. He thought he might actually burst from happiness. The three of them made their way upstairs and due to the fact that their shower wasn’t big enough to fit all three of them, Eric went and showered in the girl’s bathroom while Tyler and Finn took turns in theirs.

  When Tyler came out of the bathroom, being the last one to shower, with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, he paused in the doorway at the sight of his two naked mates kissing by the foot of the bed.

  Their dicks were already half-hard and brushing against each other, making for a mouthwatering sight. They had waited all these years to be mated to each other. The thought didn’t make Tyler feel isolated, it just made him feel good. They clearly weren’t two guys who gave up on people easily.

  Despite the fact that they all loved each other, Tyler had only known them for a month. He felt secure, though, that no matter what got thrown at them, they could handle it, and that they would always support each other, no matter what.

  Eric and Finn broke their kiss and turned to look at Tyler. They both smiled at the sight of him seminaked.

  “We should probably tidy up downstairs before we go to bed, right?” Eric asked, though his tone suggested he was just messing with them.

  “Screw that,” Tyler said as he walked over to the alpha and took his hand. “It’s our mating night. You finally get to breed me for real.”

  The look of lust in Eric’s eyes was intense and instant.

  “I thought you weren’t sure about us being parents yet,” Finn said, trying to be the voice of reason for a change. He put his arm around Tyler’s waist and kissed the side of his head. “Don’t agree to this just so Eric can satisfy a kink.”

  His words seemed to pull Eric out of his thoughts. He looked into Tyler’s eyes and cupped the back of his head. “Finn’s right. Having a baby isn’t something we should do if you’re not ready.”

  “I love that you’re both willing to wait for me, but
I’ve done a lot of reading and it’s very uncommon that it’ll take right away. Most male shifters who are capable of carrying babies try for years before they get pregnant,” Tyler told them. “Besides, I guess if it did happen then it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. I wouldn’t be upset or anything.”

  “You’re sure?” Eric asked.

  Tyler nodded. “I’m very sure. I mean, as long as you guys are.”

  Finn grinned and turned Tyler’s head so that he could kiss him nice and slow.

  “That’s Finn’s way of saying yes,” Eric said, making both Finn and Tyler break their kiss and laugh. Eric leaned in for a quick kiss of his own before slowly dropping to his knees. Tyler’s breath hitched at seeing the powerful alpha on his knees before him. Eric’s large hands slid up Tyler’s thighs and under the towel. Finn came to stand behind Tyler and he wrapped his arms around Tyler’s chest, resting his chin on his shoulder so that he had a good view of what Eric was doing.

  His towel was pulled away slowly and tossed to the side of the room. With bated breath, and leaning back into Finn’s solid body, Tyler watched as Eric took his cock in his mouth. The alpha’s large hands slid around to cup and squeeze Tyler’s ass, and the bunny shifter moaned.

  He could feel Finn’s cock pushing against his lower back and he tilted his head, hoping that Finn would get what he was silently asking for. With an amused huff, Finn started trailing kisses down over Tyler’s neck.

  “You want us to bite you, don’t you?” Finn whispered against his throat. “You want to belong to us.”

  Tyler nodded slowly. “Yes. Fuck, I want that more than anything.”

  Tyler’s hands went down to slide into Eric’s thick, dark hair, making the alpha groan.

  “So here’s what I’m thinking,” Finn said, his voice low and seductive. “Eric fucks you, just like he wants, and while he’s doing that,” he said, pausing to teasingly pinch one of Tyler’s nipples, “you fuck me.”

  Tyler gasped and arched into the touch. He groaned and nodded his head. “Yes, please.”

  Eric sucked him nice and slow, just how he had learned Tyler liked it. His fingers dug into the fleshy mounds of his ass, pulling, spreading him open. As he knew precisely what Eric was doing, Finn kissed the side of Tyler’s neck once more before dropping down to his knees behind him.

  “Oh my god,” Tyler groaned, knowing exactly what was coming. “Fuck, yes.”

  Finn’s wet, hot tongue slid up Tyler’s crack, flicking over his entrance and making him shudder.

  “You’re gonna make me come doing that.”

  Finn kissed one of his cheeks, replacing his tongue with his finger. “Well that is the idea.”

  “No way,” Tyler said, pushing back onto the finger with a groan. “When I come it’s gonna be inside you.”

  Eric pulled off Tyler’s cock slowly, licking his lower lip and groaning at Tyler’s words. Tyler looked down into the alpha’s face and saw that he was lost in a lust-filled haze. Tyler smiled at how much his mate wanted him, wanted to take him and bite him, making him his forever. Heat pooled in the pit of his stomach, making him feel a little drunk on lust.

  “Okay, we need to move this to the bed,” Tyler said, his voice heavy with desire.

  Eric was straightening up and kneeling up on the bed before the other two could move. Finn chuckled at his eagerness and kissed the side of Tyler’s face before following Eric. Before he could join his mates Tyler stood frozen, watching as Finn, up on his knees, slicked up a couple of fingers and penetrated himself. His hard cock was flushed and long as it stood up from a neat smattering of golden curls.

  “Holy hell,” Tyler whispered, shaking his head and wondering how this got to be his life now, before going over to join them.

  “Lay back,” Eric told Finn as he reached for a plump pillow to put under his ass. “Are you ready or do you need more?”

  Finn smirked at him and wriggled to get himself comfortable. “You know I like the burn.”

  Eric grinned at him and leaned down to give him another kiss. Tyler watched them and took a deep, shuddering breath. They were both so perfect, their naked bodies toned and hard. Watching the tender moments between the two of them often did more to him than anything else he had seen.

  He reached over and took the lube out of Finn’s hand before squeezing some out and slicking up his dick. The cool gel felt good on his overheated skin, and he couldn’t resist stroking it a few times.

  “Okay, bunny, time to fuck me,” Finn all but purred as he and Eric broke their kiss. His eyes were dark with arousal, making him look even sexier than usual. Swallowing hard, Tyler moved into position, bracing himself over Finn with one hand while guiding his cock to Finn’s hole with the other. He pushed in slow, his eyes glued to Finn’s face, watching for signs of enjoyment or discomfort. All he saw there was raw need.

  “Oh yeah,” Finn groaned as Tyler slid in deep. Finn felt perfect around him and Tyler had to bite his lip and concentrate on not coming. “That’s good.”

  Tyler pulled back out slightly and rolled his hips as he slid back in. Finn’s mouth opened wide on a gasp as Tyler found his sweet spot. The bunny shifter leaned down and placed a kiss over Finn’s hardened nipple.

  “You look so good together,” Eric said as he moved behind Tyler. “I’m a very lucky man.”

  Tyler thrust shallowly into Finn a couple of times before pausing so that Eric could enter him. He was lying right over Finn, with a hand braced on either side of his head. The feeling of tight heat around him was incredible enough on its own, but when Eric pushed into him, his thick cock stretching him perfectly, Tyler knew he had found heaven.

  He gasped and looked down into Finn’s eyes. The wolf shifter was watching his face carefully, as though cataloguing every look of pleasure that showed on his face.

  “Oh my god,” Tyler cried out as Eric pulled out and slammed back in. “What should I do? Do I move or stay still?”

  His two mates were silent for a moment as though they themselves weren’t exactly sure how this was supposed to work.

  “How about you move and Eric stays still?” Finn suggested.

  Eric kissed Tyler’s shoulder blade and rested his forehead there. Cautiously, Tyler moved forward, pushing into Finn before sliding out and fucking himself back on Eric.

  “Holy crap,” he moaned. “You’ve both got to feel this.”

  Finn grinned and ran his hands down Tyler’s flanks. “I look forward to it.”

  After a few careful thrusts, not wanting to get it wrong and hurt any of them, Tyler found his rhythm, and soon Eric was moving, too, matching his tempo.

  “Wanted this for so long,” Eric murmured against Tyler’s back. “To fill you up.”

  Tyler bit his lower lip and tipped his head back, giving Eric access to his throat. “You wanna bite me, don’t you? Mark me, make me yours?”

  Eric growled low in his throat, the sound vibrating in his chest. He picked up his thrusts as the alpha in him clearly began to rise to the surface. Tyler quickened his pace to match Eric and he pounded into Finn hard.

  “Bite him,” Finn told Eric. “Fill him up and make him ours. Breed him good.”

  With a rough, desperate sound, Eric latched his teeth into Tyler’s neck. Tyler cried out at the sharp pain that was quickly followed by pleasure.

  “Oh god, yes,” Tyler moaned desperately. Eric grunted, almost in relief that he had finally done it, that he had finally claimed him, and released him.

  “Oh fuck,” Finn cried out. “Fuck, Tyler, come in me, baby. Bite me.”

  The sound of their gasps and moans filled the air and Tyler slumped forward a little, his mouth latching onto Finn’s neck as he felt himself getting close to the edge. With his teeth bared, he scratched them teasingly over the smooth, pale skin. Finn’s cock was hard and leaking against Tyler’s stomach and as he bit down on his throat, he felt his blond mate shoot between them.

  “Oh yeah,” Finn cried out. “Oh fuck.”

; Tyler bit deep enough to break the skin but he knew it was nothing Finn wouldn’t heal from quickly. With a couple more thrusts, Tyler was coming inside Finn. He tilted his own head, giving Finn access to the unbitten side. He mewled as Finn bit down, claiming him forever as his mate, his love.

  “Love you both.” Eric grunted. He took hold of Tyler’s shoulder, pulling him to him as Finn slid back, letting Tyler’s spent cock slip out of him. As Eric continued to fuck Tyler, Finn got up on his knees beside them. He stroked his hand down over Eric’s chest before leaning in and latching his teeth into Eric’s neck. Tyler was just limber enough to reach the other side of Eric’s neck and he bit down along with Finn.

  Letting out a loud roar Eric’s dick twitched inside Tyler before spurting and flooding his passage with his seed. The feeling of Eric coming inside him was intense. He had never felt quite anything like it. He continued to pound away in him until he was completely spent. Once both Finn and Tyler had released Eric’s neck, the alpha grabbed hold of Finn roughly and sank his teeth into the tender spot between the neck and shoulder.

  Finn cried out, though clearly not in pain, as he finally got the claiming he had been waiting for his whole life.

  Exhausted and spent, Tyler let himself slump forward onto the bed. He lay still, simply breathing. He had no energy left in him and all he wanted to do now was sleep. He managed to keep his eyes open long enough to see Finn and Eric cleaning him, and themselves, up with the wet wipes, before finally giving in to sleep. With the warmth, and scent, of his two mates around him, Tyler fell into a deep sleep with one final, blissful thought.

  He was mated. He was loved. He belonged.




  Jane Wallace-Knight lives in the East of England in a small town on the coast, in a house by the sea. She loves nothing more than spending time with her family and friends. In her free time, Jane loves baking and cake decorating, and often makes cakes for the special occasions in her friends’ and family’s lives. She loves music, movies, and books, and is never happier than when she is writing.